Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oops, it's 2009!

Well well well... am I behind on my updates! I've just been so busy with my sister, my grandparents visiting, visiting my grandparents, and turning 2 that this blog has taken a backseat. But now I'm back home and back to blogging! A warning to all my visitors--this is going to be the most picture-heavy post to date since a lot has happened in the past few months. So here we go...

I'm still loving electronics--namely my Daddy's blackberry.

My lil sis is the cutest baby ever!

Hi five!

I still love wearing my sunnies. Mommy thinks I make the cutest dork.

Daddy and Yeh-Yeh get some princess time!

I'm always trying to hold Sophie, but I'm not very good at it.

Uh-oh, Sophie is not happy.

Today we're celebrating Sophie's one month birthday, so it's a very special occasion and I have to be on my best behavior!

Much love for my Daddy.

Sophie missed out on this photo op because she was asleep the whole dinner!

This is Sophie at one month!

Daddy and Mommy brought me to another Wiggles concert! I couldn't take my eyes off the stage during the whole show!

During one of the songs, the Wiggles all walked offstage and into the audience. Jeff walked right past us but he didn't here me when I called for him.

In total awe.

The new yellow Wiggle is Sam. Can you see all his fat tummy rolls? Obviously he is buying way too much Wiggly food with his Wiggly money.

Captain Feathersword and the fab four!

Henry! Captain! Dorothy! Wags!

The whole gang!

I finally warmed up after a while and starting jumping in my seat nonstop. Here is one of those moments.

SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't think the concert could get any better. : )

Having a nice little lunch with Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh. I feel so loved.

Gong-Gong is always very fair and makes sure Sophie gets as much attention as me.

It's Christmas!

We spent Christmas lunch at Uncle Brian and Auntie Nat's house. Sophie was asleep most of the time so Gong-Gong watched her in the rumpus room. Doesn't she look like a big burrito?

Trying to race in Mario Kart!

This was one of Ethan's Christmas gifts, but I hogged it the entire day.

Uncle Chris and Auntie Beatrice!

Love my Gong-Gong.

And I love me some watermelon too! Nice and juicy!

When we got back home, I took a nice nap since I was exhausted from all the fun. When I woke up, it was PRESENT TIME!!! I'm such a lucky girl.

I love Christmastime.

More snuggles for Sophie.

Sophie's such a good girl.

Kodak moment!

Sydney has two sets of fireworks at New Year's. One at 9pm (for familes w/ kids) and one at midnight. Here I am watching them from home at 9.


Daddy's other little princess.

Just lounging...

Clap if you're happy!

The princesses say cheese.

Sophie winks and smiles at the same time.

She's growing up so fast!

I went swimming for the first time at Uncle Brian and Auntie Nat's house. Needless to say, I loved the water!

Hi Mommy!

Making a mess with my paints yet again!

Family photo!

Poh-Poh loves her granddaughters so much!

Hey ladies!

Auntie Shan was back in town and again gave us beautiful pressies. It's always good to see her and she's always so happy and cheerful.

I love being Mommy's little helper. Here I am making sure Sophie is properly entertained.

Nice and fresh after a soothing bath.

Princesses pose again.

I love Sophie's smile. Makes me want to smile too!

Meet my sister.

We had a BBQ at Uncle Brian's house and the food was oh so yummy!! And it was great to see all the Aunties and Uncles again. Here I am with Auntie Geeyoun.

Uncle Brandon and Ethan.

Big hug with Uncle Jae!

Uncle Jae was so nice and climbed up the fort with me to steer the wheel. Woo hoo!

I had another playdate with my friends Jamie and Jet. I'm only a few months older than Jamie, but here I look huge compared to him! Maybe I shouldn't have hogged the seat.

Whoa baby! We were told to kiss, but Mommy didn't know I'd go for his mouth!

Here I am with little Jet. Isn't he so cute? He just turned 1!

Jet and Jamie loved my double bike!

Auntie Tiff loves giving Sophie some cuddles. And Sophie loves the cuddles from Auntie Tiff!

Unlike me when I was a baby, Sophie doesn't mind just laying by herself and smiling. She's very calm and such a good baby!

Hello Hong Kong!

We left a hot and sunny Sydney and arrived to a cold and overcast HK. So the first thing I did was put on some warm clothes and wear Mommy's slippers! I love adult shoes--doesn't matter the color, size or sex. I don't discriminate! As long as it's too big for me, I like it!

Exercising with Barney!

Happy 2 months, Sophie!

Prim and proper for a lunch outing!

You're supposed to get your haircut before Chinese New Year, so for the first time, I got my hair cut at a (kids) salon. At first I was a little unsure sitting on this big, odd horse.

But then Mommy gave me a biscuit, the stylist put on some Barney, and I was ready to go!

Sophie is starting to suck her fingers/hands more and more these days.

Wild animal on the loose! This is why I tire Mommy out each day.

Posing with Gong-Gong.

It's Chinese New Year so everyone wears red!

I love my Poh-Poh.

Auntie Jammie!

Auntie Jammie is in town!!

I haven't seen her in 1.5 yrs so at first I was a bit shy, but then I couldn't get enough of her!

Showing off my moves. Mommy didn't know whether to be shocked or appalled or to laugh.

"Cing Cing!" This is what you do to get laisee (red envelopes)! I'm really good at it. :)

Now let's see what's in here...

Posing in Auntie Jammie's sunnies. Yes, the big lens look is still in!

A failed attempt at Auntie Jammie trying to snap a pic of the two of us.

Success (after Mommy took it)!

Auntie Jammie is fun! Now bring on the food!

How much do I love thee food? Let me count the ways...

Mmm... finger-lickin' good!

Taking a nice post-lunch stroll with Poh-Poh to digest and walk off some calories.

Here I am in the middle of a dance move while waiting to use the bathroom.

This is Auntie Jammie forcing me to hug her. In the end, I of course gave in.

Family photo! Showing off my big muscles!

Mmm... gotta love that pre-meal bread basket!

Naomi sandwich!

Going back home for my afternoon nap. Still happy, but a little tired.

Auntie Monica's Wedding

Auntie Monica got married and now I have a new uncle Stephen! Don't we all look so pretty dressed up?

Yes, we clean up nicely.

Uncle Chris is so fun!

Poh-Poh loves Sophie so much!

Daddy's the best!

Gambling starts early on in HK...

Cousins (minus Ryan and Ethan) unite!

Sometimes I get a little selfish and don't like to share...

I love stacking things, but tipping them over is even more fun!

My 2nd Birthday!

I celebrated my birthday dinner in HK. Here I am posing with my lovely grandparents.

Big smiles on my big day!

First gift of the night...

A Minnie Mouse car! Yippee!

2nd gift... an alphabet book from Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh! It's always good to get something educational and fun.

Tearing up the restaurant and causing havoc wherever I go...

I was getting a bit restless sitting for so long, so Auntie Jammie, Mommy, Sophie and I took a break from dinner to walk around the mall.

Mommy and my lil sis. You may notice a little red mark on Sophie's right eyelid. It's called a "strawberry mark" and showed up a week after she was born. Since then, it's grown bigger and bigger, but it doesn't hurt and doesn't affect her vision. The Dr says it should disappear on its own in a few years. Poor Sophie, she is such a beautiful bubba, but has a yucky mark on her eye. Mah-Mah said that we should just put some red eye shadow on her left eye to even it out and just have it look like she's wearing makeup. She's so silly!

"Birthday Peaches"

Mmm... I love me some birthday buns!

This is Mommy's favourite cake in the world--Frou Frou (from Island Cake Shop in Shangri-La). The top layer is like chocolate mouse, then a layer of crushed macaroons, then a layer of white cake, all covered in chocolate. YUMMY! She stuck the Disney characters on herself just for me because I loooooooooooooove the princesses and Minnie Mouse!

It's so beautiful!

Birthday slice!

Daddy chose this Barbie vacuum just for me! Can't wait to test it out!

Another gift... ooh, a Minnie Mouse watch!

I love Auntie Jammie! She left the next day and I was so sad. Boo hoo!

The vacuum cleaner didn't work as well as Daddy thought it would, so he ended up having to do all the work when I gave up in frustration.

The day Daddy left back to Sydney I tripped on my own feet and hurt my head. No permanent damage done though and no stitches. Phew!

I'm an All-Star in Mommy's Cons!

Mommy bought me a Minnie Mouse toilet seat because I love Minnie Mouse, but I don't like the toilet. Here I am pretending to go to the bathroom while holding Poh-Poh's hand.

Nothing's coming out Mommy!


I love posing with my lil sis!

Disney on Ice!

Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh bought tickets to Disney Ice Princesses and we got really special seats in a box right next to the ice! It was the best time and I loved watching the stories of all the different princesses. Here are some fish dancing "under the sea".

Look, it's Ariel!

I tried some sweet popcorn for the first time during the show. It was delicious!

Group photo!

I couldn't take my eyes off the stage no matter how many times Mommy called my name.

IT'S MINNIE MOUSE!!!! I love her.

All the princesses skated together on ice at the end. It was some finale!

These 3 princesses are just as lovely. After this photo, I didn't want to leave the exhibition hall and kept saying "This side! This side!" and pointing towards the ice.

I met Mickey and Princess Belle!! It was so exciting that I kept saying "Minnie Mouse! Minnie Mouse!" (I don't know the difference between Mickey and Minnie and just call them both Minnie.) But even with all the excitement I was too scared to shake Mickey's hand. I'm such a little chicken!

I even found the train ride exciting.

Enjoying some good ol' tummy time.

Sophie can lift her head quite well these days!

Here I am throwing a tantrum. Like my pigtails?

Daddy loves him some ribs. Or any food, actually.

Gong-gong loves to give Sophie a cuddle when he comes home after work.

Sophie's face looks like a big peach here. And by that I meet sweet and juicy!

She's discovering her hands and fingers a lot more these days. So cute!

Yes, she's growing up to be quite the lovely little girl!