Sunday, October 4, 2009

One long weekend, two big parties!

I think Mommy not-so-secretly wants twins. She tries to dress us alike as much as she can!

It's really difficult to get a photo of a bunch of kids all looking the same direction. Even with two it's tough!

See what I mean?

The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France. (Aren't I smart for a 2 yr old?)

At Auntie Jane's hen's day (bridal shower). (I'm flower girl at her wedding!) It was at a beauty salon and I had so much fun running around, playing with the other flower girls, and eating.

Here I am sneakily sampling the lip gloss.


Checking myself out after my makeover. Lookin' good!

Pretending this massage chair is a horsey.

Sophie loves the mirror. Here she is kissing herself and enjoying it!

Watch Sophie boogie!

Mommy drew this photo of us on my sketchboard. We all look great, except for her. Hee!

Finished yet another term of sports class. Can't wait until the next one starts!

On Friday, it was my big day (as flower girl). The whole week leading up to it, I was so excited to be wearing a beautiful dress and feeling like a princess. Then when the ceremony began, I suddenly got shy and needed a bit of prodding and bribing (gummy candies) to get down the aisle. Here I am after the ceremony with Sophie. (Apologise for the poor quality--it was taken on Mommy's phone. She was holding Sophie during the ceremony so couldn't get any photos of me walking.)

Congratulations to the happy couple!! I love, love, LOVE their "suckling pig" cake!

Happy that the dancing has finally begun! Before this photo, I kept telling Mommy and Daddy "I want to go home."

Can't touch this! This was my "freeze" pose in the middle of the song.

Giving Uncle Jae a spin on the dance floor.

Getting down with Auntie Geeyoun. I can't wait to meet her baby in January!

I think it's safe to say I was the star of the night. : )

Poor little girl... 2 hours past Sophie's bedtime yet she can't fall asleep because of the loud music! What a night! I stayed up until almost 11pm that night.

The next morning, it was my friend's party. "I want to go to Joshie's birthday party!" I repeated this constantly until we were in the car. The whole week I was excited about the party because I helped Mommy wrap his gift.

Joshie turned 1 this past weekend. Congrats on a new milestone, my friend!

Quick photo op.

The party's winding down, and so are Sophie and Ethan! We had a great time!!