Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My new sister and our new blog!!

Hey family and friends!

Welcome to my new blog--or actually I should say OUR new blog! Since I last posted, I got a little sister! She's a cute little dumpling, but much more about her later!

From now on, all updates will be posted on this blog and the old one will need to be retired. My little sis can't type yet, so I'll still be doing the updates for the both of us.

Two weeks ago, Daddy brought me to work as part of "Take Your Daughter to Work Day". Ok, so it wasn't an official day, but I hadn't been in so long and I really wanted to see my friend Luella again.

Luella and I had a great time playing and pushing my mini stroller around.

I enjoyed pointing at and naming different parts of her body (i.e. head, nose, mouth, ears, etc.).

I love getting into trouble, and that includes Mommy's jewelry drawer! Here I am doing my best impression of Mr. T!

Because I'm a girly girl, I'm naturally vain and love admiring myself in the mirror. Dang, I look good!

The other day, I was so enamored with my beautiful face that I kissed myself.

And now for the most exciting news, my little sis, Sophie, was finally born two days late! Here is her official announcement:

Yep, she's one heavy bubba!

Here she is just moments after birth--a chubby little thing just like me (except she's shorter and heavier)!

Her face looks much fatter here than it is in person. Must've been all the water that made her look so bloated!

Proud Papa and his newborn daughter!

Protective Mama and baby!

Sophie had a hearing test before leaving the hospital to make sure everything was ok. It's just standard procedure and she passed with flying colours!

At first, Poh-Poh was afraid to hold Sophie because she was so tiny and seemed fragile compared to me, but is now gaining more and more confidence. I guess it's been a long time since I was a baby so she isn't used to such small things anymore!

Sophie likes to put her fist near her face all the time like she's propping her head up or constantly on guard. It's so cute!

Oh hello! You're awake!

Daddy and his girls.

Daddy and his little one.

Just hanging out...

Like me, my little sis loves baths though I think sometimes she's still not used to being so exposed.

I love to hug Sophie whenever I get a chance.

Muah muah!

Whenever Sophie lays in my old playgym, I like to be right by her side and hit the dangling toys. It entertains me much more than it does her!

Just like when I was a baby, Sophie loves to get her arms out when wrapped up tightly.

Doesn't she look so tiny compared to Daddy?

When Sophie lays outside, I like to check on her once in a while to make sure she's ok.

Isn't my lil sis a cutie pie?

Mah-Mah is enjoying some quality time with Sophie.


hater said...
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Unknown said...

I can't wait to see the two new princesses!!

Unknown said...

I meant the new princess! haha!