Friday, September 25, 2009

More Disneyland, more Daddy, and more dancing!

Well, it turns out I found some more photos from my HK vacation so I've posted them below. They include our first trip to Disneyland with Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh as well as Sophie's sitting/crawling developments!

"Aww, how cute Sophie!" Each time I see Sophie I pat her head, kiss her hand, and say this. I think it's because I always hear my Daddy and Mommy say this so now every time I see a baby I say "Aww, how cute baby!"

Naomi and Sophie, good buddies!

Me in my nautical dress.

Bon appetit, Sophie!

Cute as buttons.


Piggy back ride!

Candid shot.

While in HK, I had a couple playdates with my friend Janice. This time, her lil bro (he's just over one year old) also joined in. Here is Nathan, Janice and me.

Sophie and I are great friends!

I love giving Sophie hugs and kisses.

Uncle Joseph spending some quality time with my lil sis.

When Sophie first tried crawling, she could only go backwards and always got herself stuck underneath the sofa. Silly Sophie!

The Happiest Girl in the World at the Happiest Place on Earth!

Posing in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

It's a Small World!!!

It's a Small World rules!!

Ready for the ride to begin! I couldn't stop repeating "I love riding on the boat!"

Here I am riding one of Cinderella's horses to the ball.

Gong Gong and Sophie having a cuddle.

The ladies waiting for the show to start.

Mommy and Sophie.

I'm in a very strange phase now where I just like to put everything on my head.

Sophie's 3rd and 4th tooth coming out!

And now back to present-day Sydney (hope you're not getting confused!)...
I'm now 2 and a half and Sophie is ten months. I've been speaking full sentences for a while now and these days Sophie loves to say "mama" when she's feeling needy. Otherwise she loves saying "baba" "dada" "yaya" and "up" for some reason. She's been furniture surfing for over a month now and loves to stand on her own without holding onto anything. In fact, she shows this off all the time! Hopefully she won't walk until she's one, otherwise Mommy will go crazy!

Here are some typical scenes from our daily life...

Playing with our toys... You'll see from the video that I like Sophie to stay near me (even if it means I have to use force).

Roaming around the house... trying to find interesting things to play with (especially the stuff that are off-limits).


Rockin' out!

September is always a big month for us starting with Australian Father's Day and then following with Daddy's birthday.

For Father's Day, I made Daddy two cards and one heart basket. Here is one the large card I painted for him. Sophie did her first painting too!

We celebrated Father's Day at our favourite local Japanese restaurant. I am always in the mood for some good food!


Whenever possible, Mommy will try and dress Sophie and me alike. (Yeah, she's lame like that.)

Father's Day photo with Daddy and Ye-Ye.

Good buddies having a cuddle.

Ever since my first trip there, I've become obsessed with Disneyland and It's a Small World. See for yourself.

Having some fun smothering Daddy with our love.

Sophie looking so prim and proper for Daddy's early birthday dinner!

This is our friend, Josh. He is 1.5 months older than Sophie and this was our first playdate together. Look how happy they are! Friends @ first sight!

After a couple of minutes, Josh started to become enamored of Sophie.

They just didn't want to part from each other and kept playing.

Looking into each other's eyes...

As chaperone of the date, I joined in. "Third wheel" is my middle name!

I'm going to be famous one day. (Poor Sophie is stuck in the swimming donut.)

It's Daddy's birthday today which is why we're so happy!

Happy (real) Birthday, Daddy!

In my uggs... too bad the cold has now passed. Spring is here!

Playing in our mini-house. Sophie, where are you going??

Get back in here!

I joined another swimming class in Sydney and this is me on my first day. Yes, that's Ariel on my swimsuit! (She's my FAVOURITE!)

Waiting for my turn with the teacher.

My signature pose.

I never want to leave the water!

Swimming dork!

Water is my second best friend... next to Sophie. :)

Last weekend we went to a 1920's Lawn Party. It was so fun to get dressed up!

I had a blast running around in the park. Love all the space!!

Our family is swingin'!

It's official, I'm the Dancing Queen!

We got a new purple hair bow and Sophie tried it out. "Aww how cute Sophie!"

My turn! I look stunning, as usual.

Sophie learned to stand on her own a couple of weeks ago. Here she is showing off her great balance!

We woke up Wednesday to the scariest looking sky ever! It was this scary shade of peach all throughout Sydney and Mommy was so frightened, thinking that Sydney got attacked by something. Thankfully it was only a huge dust storm and the skies were all clear by the afternoon. But it was some sight!

Most kids like to lick the wooden mixing spoon of batter when making cakes. Me? I like to lick the rice paddle after dinner right before Mommy washes it. It saves her from scrubbing it for a long time and I make it very clean for her! You're welcome, Mommy!

And now that it's bedtime, I will tell you a quick bedtime story...

(The captions get cut off when embedded, so just click on the video to see the whole screen!)