Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Go to Disneyland!!!"

Ever since my first trip to HK Disneyland in July, I've been repeating this sentence to my parents each time we get in the car. But now we're back in Sydney so I'm very sad. I can't wait until the next trip back so that Gong-Gong can take me to Disneyland AGAIN! In the meantime, at least I have these photos to reminisce about my holiday...

Here I am trying to get Sophie to eat her baby biscuit. But she obviously doesn't want it!

Here I am on my first day of swimming lessons. Once we got to the pool, I couldn't wait to jump in!

See how much fun I'm having? (By the way, I keep repeating "Hi Jo-Jo!" which is what I call my Uncle Joseph who is filming me.)

HK offers so many classes for little kids, so I took classes 6 days a week! Here I am at MyGym.

Doing a little cheer with my pom pom.

Playing baseball(?) with my pom pom. I love school!

Sophie grew up so much during the 2.5 months we were away. Before we left she couldn't even sit up straight. Now she can sit up, crawl, pull herself into a standing position, and cruise along furniture!

Staying warm under the blanket together.

Beep beep! Sophie in the Dora car and me in the Big Red Car! So young and already behind the wheel...

The king and his princesses.

The royal family.

Sophie's having so much fun sitting on Daddy.

Cousins unite! With our cousins, Tyler and Talia.

Bathtime! Splashtime! I love bathing with my little sis.

Sophie is ready for the food. Bring it on!

Mah-Mah and Sophie baby.


Gong-Gong and his ladies.

Gong-Gong and Poh-Poh with the princesses.

Auntie Steph is such a trooper. She got off the plane at 7am and we were at Disneyland by 11am! This is my second trip--I already went with Gong-Gong, Poh-Poh, Sophie, and Mommy but I left my photos in HK.

This really is the happiest place on earth. Mommy and Daddy look like such tourists, how embarassing!

Excited to start the Jungle Cruise!!

Holding onto Daddy for dear life. Even though I like elephants, I was still scared he was going to bite.

It's Simba, the Lion King!

Timon and Pumba!

What a great show. Bye bye, elephant!

Saying cheese with my buddy, Stitch.

Riding one of Cinderella's horsies! I did it all by myself!

Daddy had just as much fun as I did. :)

Mommy and me.

My first ride on Dumbo. I was so happy to get one with a green hat!

We're flying we're flying!!!

Daddy and his other princess.

Checking out the beautiful photos of myself that my Yi-Po took of me.

Yi-Po and Sophie having a cuddle.

So happy with Auntie Steph!

My friend Katie and me. She's half a year older but we're the same size. I think I weigh more though. Hee hee.

Auntie Nat took me to the zoo last Friday! Here I am posing with the koala. He's really tiny so you can barely see him sitting in the tree.

A quick shot with Ethan. He was more interested in his biscuits than the animals.

Here I am on some kind of reptile, which I kept telling my mom "It's a dinosaur!" I love dinosaurs.

Me and the giraffes.

Auntie Nat and little Ethan.

Like mother like daughter.

Maybe it's because they're tall and can enjoy it, but the giraffes are lucky to have the best view in the whole zoo. Look at that backdrop! That's prime real estate if you ask me!

Let's see more animals!

Posing with the kangaroos. More like posing with their bums.

Checking out the pigs in the farm area. Right after this photo the pig snorted really loudly and it freaked me out.

The zoo has the coolest kids playground and it was great to play with water on such a hot day.

Taking a break. I love the zoo!

Ethan refused to leave the water area and played until he was completely soaked!

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